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As consumers' needs become more demanding thanks to the use of social media alone, value chains are now having to deliver far greater performance, and if they fail to do so, it quickly has a direct impact on sales, and thus also on one's positioning in the mind of consumers.
Put bluntly, we have to make value chains faster and more flexible, and at the same time boost our quality of data in order to create the required transparency.
The possibilities which supply chain management has to offer are of great importance here, and that's why we conducted an industry survey in 2018 in collaboration with the Procurement & Technology Working Group of the GermanFashion trade association.
Read where the industry stands on this topic, and what companies' are planning in the near future.
Benchmark Supply Chain Management 2020 (89,00 €)
Supply Chain Management Benchmark 2018 (German) (89,00 €)